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Outlier Poll Shows Trump With Slight Advantage

2024 Presidential Race: Trump Leads Biden in New York Times Poll

Outlier Poll Shows Trump With Slight Advantage

A recent poll conducted by the New York Times in partnership with Siena College has shown Republican candidate Donald Trump with a four-point lead over incumbent President Joe Biden ahead of their first debate of the 2024 campaign. The poll, which was conducted from October 26-28, 2024, surveyed 1,300 registered voters and has a margin of error of +/- 3.1%.

The poll results are somewhat surprising, as most other recent polls have shown Biden with a slight lead over Trump. However, the New York Times/Siena College poll is an outlier, and it is unclear whether it is an accurate reflection of the national mood.

The poll did show some areas where Trump has an advantage over Biden. For example, Trump was favored 40 to 35 on foreign conflicts and terrorism. However, Biden had the edge over Trump on responding to political extremism and climate change.

It is important to note that the poll was conducted before the first debate of the 2024 campaign. It is possible that the debate could have a significant impact on the race, and it is too early to say with certainty who will win the election.
